Saturday 4 April 2009

Mere seconds

Mere seconds

are all it takes.

Mere breaths

are all I need.


lips dragging against skin

fingers grasping with hair

[Power struggles]

A mere look can kill

a solitary moment of knowing;


You have me where you want me.


Muscles flex

Backs arch

[A complete compromise]


Teeth bite down against the flesh prisoner


In so many ways

Gentle strength pulsating

Passing from one to another

Seeking attention


Wanting to show themselves off

To take breath

Captivate it with ease.


Mere seconds

In which desire takes control

Mere breaths

With which willpower is destroyed


Single droplets of sin

Breaking through perfection

Single minutes of silence

Catching our breath

Limbs tangled

Words obsolete

Needs satisfied

Wounds healed


Total connection


Eyes meet in darkness

Fingers searching -

Physical absence


Mere seconds

To give you me

Mere breaths

To tell you how I feel.

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