Tuesday 14 April 2009

Brought Back From The Edge

Brought back from the edge – let it play on her mind a little more. Keep it steady and watch her body quiver in anticipation. Greed; a total abandonment of my manners as, I devour what is mine. Destroying all distance which threatens to linger arrogantly from her skin; remove the barriers with intricate yet confident movements.

Fingertips exploring every forgotten inch;

Skin on fire;

Pores opening... tingling.

Building a tension slowly, eyes locked in a complete connection; moving as one. Creating facial expressions with individual flexes of my fingers – individual messages of lust. Dancing tongues, grinding fingers and musical appreciation; a hazy interpretation of her pulse, her natural rhythm.


With every passing second


With every single kiss

[gentle moans]

With every glance downwards


Teeth pressing down against flesh; gaining power. Her lips on my neck; losing it just as quickly. An upward battle of want. Furniture losing its importance as anything other than unyielding support. Having myself pushed back against a wall – spreading my touches further. Hips smashing together smoothly; never enough is touching.

 Forcing myself to my knees; false submission. Nails gripping thigh, my hair being pulled feverishly.

Being thrown to the floor; total submission. Her teeth pulling my lip, bringing me to her world; bringing me to wherever it is she wants me...


Subtle movements regain the control, subtle sounds pushing us ever closer.


Her name pouring from my lips

[Breathlessly pleading]

Her breath catching in her gorgeous throat

[Willingly giving herself to me]

Eyes centred and lips bleeding

[Battle wounds]                       

Two beings moving as one, limbs writhing against lost voices.  Pushing, Pushing. Backs tighten, reaching ever deeper; needing to please. Pushing. Mouths open; a silent truce is made. Every energy is taken and owned.  Pushing. Octaves of ecstasy surrounding the entanglement. Pushing. Waves of pleasure destroying both participants fight until simple ‘I love you’s are exchanged wordlessly.

Eyes still focused. Catching breath lasts a lifetime, yet, not long enough. Fingers meet and are homed for an eternity, yet, not long enough.

Kissing her forehead; the battle ends quickly – all too quickly.  Words are gone, lips still bleed.

Brought back from the edge. Cages of protection inside the other’s arms. Breath rising, meeting – filling all gaps. Dreams diminish into a world less perfect, fears forgotten and thoughts evaporate in the heat. Egos are appeased and a simple look will suffice –

I love you.

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