Wednesday 8 April 2009


Walking slowly.
Controlled by the beat in my chest
a false rhythm

Just false.

As the dust swirls up
unsettled by my presence
Reflections of my thoughts
Stubborn memories;
refusing to let go

Walking slowly 
Controlled by the screaming in my head
Panicked noise

Just panicked

As my feet carry me further
I can't fight the urge
Ignorant doubting
"Things will change"
Forewarned by experience;
Naive expectations

Walking slowly
Controlled by the voice in my ear
Reassuring beauty

Just reassuring

Damaged pathways 
Emerging in every direction
Routes destroyed in violence




Steps stolen from beneath me;
Given back with her whisper.

Walking slowly
Controlled by my past
Hauntingly outrageous

Just haunting.

Travelling into darkness
Wishing him away
resisting the urge to run
I am afraid to trust him
Broken promises prop forgotten dreams
It's not my road- anymore

Walking slowly
Controlled by my future
Terrifyingly unwritten

Just terrifying

Allowing myself to be led
Blindly following 
Hands gripped tight to lessons learned
Never again
Can't look into his eyes
Not anymore
Distracted by her;

Walking slowly.
Controlled by desire.
Unforgivable teasing

Just unforgivable.

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