Wednesday 30 July 2014

Funeral March

Dainty red ribbon snakes around a brittle wrist
Light bouncing from the shining silk
Embedded scarlet drips from limp fingertips
as blue lips whisper sweet violence to deaf ears.
Transparent skin shivers against the touch of capes
Ideas running for cover from an unleashed villain;
exploring hidden caves of the imagination.

The leaves of lilies blow slowly in a growing breeze
A faint tap of soil hitting wood breaks a sobbing air .
Headless suits stand around a deepening hole in the ground
Blades of grass stabbing the soles of leather shoes.
Billowing cotton sheets dancing atop stone memories
Feathered wings grounded with the weight of a broken soul.

Drums bang as chains drag through puddles of insanity
A hoarse song erupts from the throat of the fellator;
Notes drained from his sorrowing eyes in a final lament.
Greased instruments squawk empty goodbyes at a lowering box
A hanging saviour stares down from a crucifix, wrists bound and bleeding;
Halos appearing above unassuming skulls.

A dainty red ribbon snakes around a brittle wrist
Greying skies close in and fingers twitch with new surges of blood.

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