Monday 1 March 2010

Have No Envy and No Fear.

I'm not sure I can even remember what was said that night, but I left with a steady stream of tears flowing from my eyes. I left with a heartbreak that was so intense that I felt like my insides would burst into flames and engulf me in its hatred. He looked so weak; like something had sucked every strength that once clung to his muscles, and spat them out to fight him. He wasn't the man I had grown to adore. He was no longer the reason I got up in the morning.

It was raining. I remember the hazy drizzle that scorched my face. I didn't care about the rain so much, it gave me a cover to walk in so that I could be alone. My shoulders shook with a mixture of nervousness, cold and sobbing; thoughts weren't coming at me fast enough. I wanted to forget. I wanted to go away and never come back. I just wanted to run.

The flame from the single candle was slowly turning the silver-plated spoon a golden brown. He sat hunched on the floor beside it, hypnotised by the concoction that he held in his hand. the cylindrical tube sat by his knee; abandoned until he needed it. Tinfoil lay in strips of abused confetti in a perfect circle. The wilting hope I once held being a centre piece in this fucked up squat decoration.

I walked. Nothing else, just a steady movement of my feet. One. Two. Three.. Walls lost all semblance of recognition in my mind. The houses began to grow in size and I walked. Houses shrinking back to affordability; the pain in my feet starting to drag me back into reality. I was realising that regardless of how far I walked, I would never willingly walk away. Not entirely. I had stopped crying, it was just icy rain that flowed down my face now, just the shower of nature's forgiveness washing the emotion from me.

I looked around me, taking in my surroundings for the first time. I had walked to the one place I knew I would be safe, without even trying. My subconscious had protected me once again. I knocked. Jane opened the door slowly and silently. Nothing needed to be said, I am pretty sure she knew exactly why I was there. She always knew. I stood dripping water onto her floors, refusing to walk any further into her house, I merely stood there staring. I must have tried to speak a few times, but I know I didn't say anything. I didn't know how to. I sat down, my back leaning against the door and she slowly started to undress me. She peeled every layer I had from my cold and soaked skin until I sat in my underwear, in a puddle of my own drenched clothing.

My fingers were slowly turning blue. I looked at them like they were no longer a part of my body; like they were a foreign object. I inspected my hands until she clasped them in hers. I wish there was something fantastically dramatic about what happened, but to be honest, she just sat with me as I cried. She held my hand and wanted nothing more than just to sit there with me until I began to shiver and sob uncontrollably.

I have to mention, No one had seen me cry, much less see me lose every sense of control I had. No one would ever see me that bad again, and as heartbreaking as it is, Jane has gone to her grave with this moment perfectly secure as our secret. I can't remember how long we sat there for, but I eventually fell asleep. She didn't move. She stayed there the whole time I slept just holding my hand.

I woke up to her house-mate trying to get into the house. Jane pulled me up from the floor and led me upstairs. She was shouting something at the door. I can't remember what she said, but Al didn't come in until I was safely out of view. I must have seemed so pathetic; being led around the house in the nip in a total dazed confusion.

Jane shoved me into the shower. I think she was expecting me to do something when the water hit me but I didn't. I just stood there, still staring at her; looking for her to answer some unknown question. Then, she done something I definitely wasn't expecting. She stripped off and got into the shower with me. Honest to God, it was the first reaction she got from me that night. Her delicate fingers ran through my hair. I laughed a little when she had to stand up on her toes to wash the shampoo through it. The water was still pouring down over the two of us when she kissed me. We must have been in there for over an hour. Just kissing. It wasn't in any way sexual, We were just going through the exact same thing and needed to feel some sort of connection to something, anything, as long as it was physical.

I don't remember it happening, but we were in her bed. We weren't doing anything, except laying there. I remember looking at her skin and wanting to touch it, but I didn't, not intentionally anyway. Her room is exactly what you wouldn't expect it to look like when you look at her. The flowers she keeps fresh on her desk - kept on her desk - always seemed to be placed so carefully into the hand painted vase. The photos that decorated every wall, were a tribute to a life that we used to live in. The smiles mocked me. His face was all that I could focus on. His strong body and perfect eyes inflicted memories on to me that were nothing but painful. I cried silently, once again, while she lay watching me. No more hands. No more kisses. She cried too. Looking back it seems really quite weird, but in the moment, on that bed, nothing existed beyond the realms of our mourning. We both knew at that exact second, that Jack was lost forever. He would still be there, but not in the way we knew him; not in the way we needed him.

I don't remember sleeping, but I don't remember staying awake. I do remember, however, realising it was morning and feeling as though I should be doing something other than laying naked beside my friend for the day. She must have the exact same thought because she moved to roll over. I grabbed her elbow and pulled her to me. I kissed her softly and held her to me. Her fingers ran along my jawline and then it was over. I don't quite know what made me do it, but I didn't think words would be enough. How do you thank someone for saving your life just by existing?

We got dressed and spoke for the first time. Nothing important was said, but we laughed. It was refreshing to just leave everything in the night before and carry on like normal. She cooked me breakfast, well.. She tried to cook me breakfast but, I ended up doing most of it myself. She can't cook worth a fuck. The sunlight was miserable and grey, if that makes sense? The sun was shining, but it wasn't warm, and it shone in through the giant doors in the kitchen. Lighting up what seemed to be such a normal situation for a couple. We weren't a couple. We'd never be a couple. Even if she wanted that, there was too much to fight against it. I could never be trusted. She could never love me as much as she loved him. I could never love her as much as I loved him. It just failed before it even started.

The thing that started this thought pattern, is that while we cooked, she held on to the belt loops of my jeans and stroked my forehead when I looked at her. As intimate as the morning was, it all seemed to be the intro to some heartbreak or other. Some before picture to a lost love story. The phone rang. Fuck.

We got to he hospital just in time to see him arrive. His eyes were open but he looked straight past us like he had no idea who the hell we were. There were bandages covering his entire arm.. blood seeping through the loose threading. He was a mess. That's the only word for how he looked. It was one of those "what the fuck" sort of moments where nothing you are looking at makes any sense. His giant bulging body looked so.. weak. His face looked so frightened and boyish.

I sat down. What else could I do? Jane paced up and down the waiting room. I couldn't look at her. It all just seemed to be inevitable. She stopped pacing and it was my turn to comfort her. She sat in my lap and cried. I simply sat there and let her get it out until she fell asleep. I didn't move for what seemed like hours. When the nurse came out to tell us what was going on, I remember thinking that her scrubs were too short for her. Always talent scouting. He's asking for you, Kerri. I was confused. I was the one that walked out on him and yet he wanted me.

The room he was in was tiny. The machines seemed so loud and overbearing that I almost turned around to walk out. The lines going in and out of his arms were off putting but seemed almost comforting. almost like they would wash out the problem. The weirdest thoughts go through your head when facing these situations. The beeps seemed to get louder, I wanted to call him R2D2 or something to that affect just to make him smile, but I rethought that. It just seemed to be a little too ridiculous and I was trying to remain as strong as possible.

His eyes were closed so I didn't say anything. I sat in the brick they called a chair beside his bed and just watched his chest rise and fall. Such a manly chest reduced to almost nothing. My hand was on the bed, and my feet were on the locker beside his bed. I was thinking about myself and Jane when his eyes opened, and his hand found mine. I quickly forgot about my morning and right then I knew; regardless of whatever he had ever said, I was the only person he had and I had to remember that. Nothing else mattered more than his life. Not to me, not then.

I was determined to be the one that saved him, regardless of what it took.

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