Thursday 5 February 2015

I almost forgot. For the briefest of seconds everything was okay. For that mouthwatering moment my life hadn't fallen apart and happiness didn't seem so far away. I stopped hating who I am and let myself get lost. I stopped worrying about who I'm becoming and let go of the anger.

I almost forgot. For a split second I no longer saw you with her. The earth stopped spinning, the noise drowned out and the shadows shrunk back. I wasn't haunted by despair for a fleeting moment and the relief washed over me.

Reminders come in a steady flow.  Constant. Jeering. Smug. Every syllable draws me further and further into a world where I am no longer in control and I'm not even sure if I care enough to try to reverse it. I'm fading at a rapid rate. Parts of me dripping slowly until all that will be left is a scar on the sunrise that defied my wishes.

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