Wednesday 14 January 2015

14 / 01 / 15

All she did was look at me. Her eyes shimmered with white gold and an endless sky; stars flickered behind her pupil and I burst open. Every thought came spilling out of an ill practised mouth and my heart was beating to her rhythm.

All she did was look at me. The demons which I spent every night battling silenced in awe of her beauty and all there was left was her. Green burst like fireworks when she laughed and my heart jumped to my throat; always wanting more.

All she ever had to do was look at me and my body would erupt in anticipation. Butterflies, chills and a need to be as close as possible to her would dominate my being until I was powerless to resist.

All she could do was look at me. My world crumbled and the tears flooded between her eyelids threatening to destroy all that I knew to be true. My chest constricted as every emotion lay bare before her without defence. Unable to speak and left with my entire soul left gaping.

All she did was look at me and I was hers.